This research paper pertains to the Microsoft Anti Trust Case. I have 4 sources


By Robert C.

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This research paper pertains to the Microsoft Anti Trust Case.
I have 4 sources that must put in the paper, but you can use more if you’d like.
The sources:
Instructions: The research project is a multi-step writing assignment that culminates in a before and
after analysis of a publicly-traded (NYSE or NASDAQ) US firm that has been broken up
by the US government or been subject to disciplinary action for violation of US anti-trust
Paper Requirements
The paper will: provide a brief history of the firm and of how antitrust issues led to
the breakup/disciplinary action; discuss the market structure both before and after the
breakup/disciplinary action (i.e., using the characteristics enumerated in the textbook for
market structures); explain how the nature of goods and services the firm provides to the
marketplace have changed; discuss how the firm’s relationship with the US government
has changed.
The Research Paper will use at least 4 sources (3 academic but not necessarily peerreviewed sources and at least 1 peer-reviewed academic source). The textbook can be
used but does not count toward the minimum 4 sources.
The Research Paper must include at least two graphs included in the body of the paper
(though you may use more), a proper cover page, a references page, table of contents
and abstract, have proper APA format throughout the paper (proper margins, proper
fonts, page numbers, proper citations), and must be the equivalent of 6 written pages of
text using APA properly formatted writing. The cover page, references page, any
appendices, table of contents, abstract, and graphs larger than 1/3 of 1 page do not
count toward the 6 pages of written text.