This research paper will be structured as a policy brief analyzing one topic rel


By Robert C.

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This research paper will be structured as a policy brief analyzing one topic relating to this course and using the reading materials we have discussed in class (optional reading materials are also available for this project). You should use no less than six academic sources (drawing on required or optional materials assigned in class).
These are 2 sources to use for the paper 
Ludwig, J., and Harcourt, B., Broken Windows: New Evidence from New York City and a Five-City Social Experiment, U. Chicago L. Rev (Jun. 2005) 
Is Broken Windows or Poor Policing At Fault (and does it matter)?
Ludwig, J., and Harcourt, B., Broken Windows: New Evidence from New York City and a Five-City Social Experiment, U. Chicago L. Rev (Jun. 2005