To Whom it May Concern: Choose a character from any story we’ve read for Unit 1


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

These instructions reflect a task our writers previously completed for another student. Should you require assistance with the same assignment, please submit your homework details to our writers’ platform. This will ensure you receive an original paper, you can submit as your own. For further guidance, visit our ‘How It Works’ page.

To Whom it May Concern:
Choose a character from any story we’ve read for Unit 1 and from their point of view, write a
letter to any of the other characters we’ve encountered in Unit 1 – you can choose another
character from the same story or choose another story altogether. The content of the letter is
entirely up to you, you can discuss an event that takes place in the story you’ve chosen,
world current events, or anything in between. However, using your interpretation of the text, you
will need to justify and explain every choice you make.
1. letter around 800 words
2. rational 800 words  (around 800 words
Letter (around 800 word Rationale (around 800 words