Topic: After conducting independent research using at least three sources not us

Business and Management

By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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Topic: After conducting independent research using at least three sources not used in the class write an essay that evaluates how to conduct effective research online.
Week 2 Written Assignment
This essay assignment will be written in APA format (see below). The essay should be no less than 500 words on the topic (s) noted below.
The title page and bibliography do not count towards the word count.
Complete the assignment in a Word document using APA formatting with your last name as part of the file name. Omit the abstract and outline. A Word APA template and APA sample paper are provided for reference.
After completing the essay, save and upload the document in the Assignments section of the e-classroom.
Each essay will be checked by Turnitin automatically upon submission. You will have access to the originality reports.