WATCH THIS VIDEO Discuss what defini

Business and Management

By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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Discuss what definitions(s) of value—anticipated, perceived, or absolute (real/stand-alone) that were animated in this story and where in the film it becomes evident that value is judged this way.
Consider the characters in the case to understand how the perceived value of the artwork is contingent on the identity of the stakeholders involved with reconciling value. Analyze three stakeholders (i.e. character names or institutions, besides Teri Horton) that matter to determining the value of the painting and how they shape the value within the case. What is the power differential between these stakeholders and Teri and how does it matter to politics of realizing the painting’s value?
Describe specifically the kinds of utilized or (un-utilized) attributes of Teri that challenge her cause to authenticating the artwork and establishing fair market value? How does her case relate to situations of social justice/injustice and how does her situation speak to the economic/market opportunities coming from a specific class in society?
Putting yourself in Teri’s position, describe the strategic actions or alliances you would recommend she pursue to change the value of the work and why you suggest these actions/alliances.