WHAT I WANT YOU TO DO: 1. Do a internet search to find TWO comprehensive Case St


By Robert C.

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1. Do a internet search to find TWO comprehensive Case Studies related to management/supervision issue in healthcare. You may also peruse case studies in your Course Textbook.
2. discuss possible solutions/answers/future planning to these cases. 3. On your own, Post here the name of the case studies and a brief summary of each case study with solutions. I am looking for clear, concrete, appropriate management/supervisors solutions to the case with appropriate referencing to your textbook and other resources. Relate your solutions to what you are learning in the course and textbook. What strategies/specific skills will you need to address in the case study – for example, what specific human relation skills?
4. Absolutely no spelling or grammar errors.
5. Two references (no older than 2020) required in the post and at the end.