You must analyse the provided dataset to attempt to predict a final grade for a


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

These instructions reflect a task our writers previously completed for another student. Should you require assistance with the same assignment, please submit your homework details to our writers’ platform. This will ensure you receive an original paper, you can submit as your own. For further guidance, visit our ‘How It Works’ page.

You must analyse the provided dataset to attempt to predict a final grade for a given student based on
their socioeconomic information. Ruth will then use the information you can extract to devise methods
to ensure the best result for each student in their class.
Although there are many approaches you may follow to help Ruth, at the very least, your submission
should include the following:
• A demonstration of your ability to perform an EDA on a dataset and demonstrate the ability
to solve practical tasks and ensure data is of a high enough standard.
• Breakdown the dataset to demonstrate an understanding of trends, patterns and anomalies
in the data.
• The ability to test hypotheses and validate any assumptions about the data
• The ability to support any conclusions and provide logical and clear arguments.