You must complete a researched term paper analyzing a movie (or select televisio

Communications and Media

By Robert C.

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You must complete a researched term paper analyzing a movie (or select television series) for interpersonal communication themes. Your paper must be at least eight typed double-spaced pages in length (plus a works cited page). This assignment will be run through the Turn It In plagiarism review program.
When writing the paper, you should be sure to define all terms from book (using APA or MLA citations) and refer to class material as much as possible. The goal is to demonstrate to the instructor that you have a clear grasp of the concept and can explain one or two examples of this concept happening in your movie/series. A movie synopsis should not be the tone of this paper meaning it shouldn’t just tell the instructor the plot but relate every aspect back to course material. Assume the instructor has seen your movie/series. This assignment is worth 200 points. Your paper must include the following “sections”:
Non-Verbal Communication
Relationship Development and Tensions
Conflict Management
Communication Climate or Mediated Communication (student’s choice of one of these two)