You will need a total of 5-6 sources for this essay.  Choose a topic. Do prelimi

Research methods

By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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You will need a total of 5-6 sources for this essay. 
Choose a topic.
Do preliminary research using Radiolab or Points of View. This article or podcast will count as your first source. 
Identify a topic.
Create a preliminary argumentative research question based on your initial research. Answer the question to create a working thesis or claim.
Use the methods that you learned during the library instruction class to find 4-5 additional sources for your research question. At least three of these sources must come from the library’s databases or Google Scholar. You may use 1 source that you identify from a simple Google search, but you must show these sources to your professor for his approval.
Read and annotate your sources.
Based on this research, refine your preliminary research question, and create a strong argumentative claim or thesis.
Write an exploratory, a middle publish, and a final publish. 
Refer to your research often in your essay and use evidence that is thoughtfully selected, analyzed, and explained in terms of your claim or thesis. 
Use at least 8-10 parenthetical citations in the essay.
Write a final publish that is that is at least 5-7 pages long.
Create a work cited page.