You will write an essay answering the question listed below. You must submit it

American history

By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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You will write an essay answering the question listed below. You must submit it as a double-spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman 12-point font, Microsoft Word document. Submit it to the Canvas Assignments section, uploading the Word file, by 5:00 PM on Thursday May 9. Use ONLY notes on in-class lectures, assigned documents (primary sources), and the textbook. You must cite evidence from at least the textbook and preferably the textbook and primary sources. Cite any information taken from a source, whether quoted word for word or paraphrased. When you cite the textbook, give the author and page number, and when you cite a primary source, give the author’s last name and a short version of the title, just like in a response paper. If I discover (through Turnitin) that an essay uses material from the internet or from other outside sources, it will receive no credit.
Why did Americans fail to resolve their differences over slavery peacefully? What made the issue so difficult?