Your final ‘project’ for the semester is a more or less open assignment. It is n


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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Your final ‘project’ for the semester is a more or less open assignment. It is not specifically about drama. Think of it, instead, as a kind of ‘student choice’ thing. You can write about a story (or two), a poem (or two), a play. Heck, I even invite you to write about a film, musical, or opera if you want to. Your choice. But please make your choice of text(s) this week and enter it into the Week 16 forum by the end of the day of Apr 26th, just to let us know what you’re up to. The text(s) you choose do not have to be from our textbook, but they certainly can be. They just can’t be something we’ve already studied together.
Once you select your text(s), spend some time reading pp. 2000-12 in our textbook – “The Literature Essay.” You might also take a look at the “Sample Research Essay” beginning on p. 2074.
A couple things I want to draw your attention to:
First, you should write an interpretive essay; that is, your essay should show the reader how to interpret the text(s) you choose. It should not simply summarize or ‘review’ the text(s).
Second, you must engage at least one other interpretation of your text. This will require a small amount of research using our LCC databases. If you are unsure how to go about this, please contact an LCC librarian here. They are extremely helpful and will be delighted to help you find a source or two.
Use your writing process to help you figure out how you want us to understand your text(s). Use your research to inform yourself about what others have said about your text and how those views either confirm or differ from your interpretation. One great use of the “Sample Research Essay” on p. 2074 would be to see how that writer interacts with other scholarly voices in their interpretation of Alice Munro’s “Boys and Girls.” Use that as a guide as you see fit.
So, this may seem like a lot. But keep in mind that it’s not due until the end of the last day of class – May 6th. This gives you two weeks to get it together.
Other technical details:
5-7 pp., double-spaced, and in MLA style.
Pay attention to this style, particularly as it applies to 1) heading, 2) in-text citations, 3) works cited page. Your essay must have all three.