Your goal in this assignment is to create an innovative and creative assignment


By Robert C.

Important - Read this before proceeding

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Your goal in this assignment is to create an innovative and creative assignment for a college-level History course. You need to clearly explain the overview, outcomes, instructions, skills used, and grading structure of the assignment. The final submission needs to be well-edited, correctly formatted, and proofread. You are scored on your creativity, clarity, professionalism, and scope. Although this is a separate assignment, your score replaces the GIP. Therefore, your grade will be recorded in the GIP grade column. 
Submission Instructions
-Create an interesting and innovative assignment that would be suitable for a college-level History course. 
-You will submit your paper through this assignment page on Canvas.
-All submissions must be in .doc, .docx, or .pdf extensions. 
-Submissions must be proofread and edited. Professional appearance and formatting counts!
-This assignment is due on the same date and time as the GIP. 
Formatting and Necessary Fields
1. Your submission must contain, at the very least, these four fields: Overview, Instructions, Objectives/Educational Skills, and Grading Rubric 
2. Fill out the corresponding fields with detailed information. Be descriptive. Give examples, if necessary. 
3. Separate and format the fields to your liking. Make your submission look professional and polished. 
Explanation of the Fields
-Please watch the following video for further clarification of the Overview, Instructions, Objective/Educational Skills, and Grading Rubric.
-Objectives are generally in two parts. The first part is just what will be done. For example,  “The student will do _____.” The second part is the outcome. Here, it is more like, “By doing this the student is using ______ skills.” You can write this however you wish, but make sure to explain what part of the assignment uses which skills. 
-Here is a large, but by no means comprehensive, list of Educational Skills. Your assignment should include quite a few of these:
******time management, critical thinking, group work, public speaking, written skills, verbal skills, planning, multitasking, collaboration, editing, organization, note taking, peer review, source evaluation, data analysis, research, studying, test taking, academic argument, presentation, reading comprehension, statistical analysis, teaching, tutoring, and goal planning*****

Grading Rubric
-Since this is an optional assignment with lenient grading, I am keeping the rubric fairly simple. When it comes to making your rubric for this assignment, though, you should carefully consider how you place the points. The GIP is worth 200 points (this replaces its score), so the scoring rubric will equal that amount. Please do not just copy this rubric. Think about it and create your own. 
Your grade on this assignment comes from how well you complete these four directives: creativity, clarity, professionalism, and scope. Each has equal weight of 50 points. 
Creativity: The uniqueness, originality, innovation, and/or stimulation your assignment.
Clarity: How well you explained the overview, instructions, objectives, and grading rubric of the assignment. 
Professionalism: Proofreading, formatting, and overall editing of the assignment submission.
Scope: The detail, information, and general boundaries of the assignment. How well your assignment incorporates various Educational Skills. 
These categories are subjectively scored. Each will receive points ranging from 0 – 50. Here is a breakdown of these points:
A: 45 – 50 points. An excellent submission in this category. Exceeds expectations. Great insight and ideas, very well written, engaging, thought-provoking, and/or original. 
B: 40 – 44 points. A good submission in this category. You explained your points, the submission was well-written and largely free from errors, there was extra information, and innovative ideas. 
C: 35 – 39 points. A satisfactory submission in this category. You completed the assignment to, at least, the minimum standards. Your submission was decently written, there may be a few grammatical and syntax errors, but, for the most part, it was proofread and professional. Satisfactory ideas and originality. 
D: 30 – 34 points. A  poor submission. You submitted the assignment but it had several issues and/or errors. This could include incomplete fields, irrelevant information, basic ideas, etc. 
F: 0 – 29 points. You know why you received this.